Thursday, 30 May 2013

OUFM203 - Update on table

Hi sorry for the lack of posts recently, as after the last post I have had significant problems, meaning I haven't had the time to update the blog. I have included photos of all the major steps that have happened since, so you can see the progress I have made.

Friday, 3 May 2013

OUFM203 - Twenty Two

Today was the first major day that my design hit some significant problems due to strength and wood movement of the tabletop. This means that devices and components that were previously going to be attached to the underneath now need to be constructed within their own frame. 

Due to the complexity of the issues they are hard to explain and even harder to fix, taking most of the day to try and solve. I decided by the end of the day to spend a couple of hours on something else to help clear my head, and so below is a business card and debit card holder I created, included my logo engraved on the corner.

Above: Business card holder (Left), Debit/Card Holder (Right)

Above: Close up of Debit / Card holder

Above: Logo branded on bottom left corner

Above: Close-up of Business Card Holder

Thursday, 2 May 2013

OUFM203 - Day Twenty & Twenty One

I have compiled the last two days footage and blog posts together as I was carrying out basically the same task over the two days. 

The main task I was carried out was actually fitting two hinges into the smaller leaves. This took slow long as I was worried it might split along the edges, but after taking my time and fine tuning the depths they now sit perfectly flat, with little to no gap when open.

Above: Hinges fitted and folded nearly shut

Above: Hinges fully open

Above: Close up of hinged joint

Above: Hinged leaves compared to rest of table top